How to Read Music Notes With Ease

Learn How with Reading Music Notes with Ease

As a small child, I learned how to read and write music before I could read and write english, I was one of the few like this and for the majority of people that is not the case.  To me, reading music was easy, and so when I teach my cello students to read music I often struggle.  I think it is often the case where the music teacher struggles to teach how to read music because it is just as common to read music as it is to read english.  
There are countless programs, series’, and books that teach young students how to read music and relate it to their instrument, and all of them are based upon practice practice practice.  There are some work books out there now that have students write notes as well as say, but they all depend on the same thing: memorization.  Memorization is overwhelming to a child or an adult when you sit down in front of the piano and there are over 85 keys!  How in the world is someone supposed to figure out all these notes!  Luckily for us that have music experience we’ve organized all the notes into groups, octaves, triads, etc.  But how do we go about teaching these?  That’s where Read Music Notes With Ease comes in handy.

Read Music Notes With Ease is an all new approach to teaching students young and old how to read music.  Instead of memorization of note names, Betty Wagner, the author, creates stories and characters for each note making learning easy and fun.  No longer are we forced to memorize the relationship of the note name to where it goes on the staff and where it is on the piano, now we have a story to help organize students as to ‘why’ the note is called A and it’s on the second space of the staff.  It’s not memorization, it’s reading or listening and understanding the fun story.  
Read Music Notes With Ease markets to adults because of the reading, but I think that it’s very easy to teach small children with this method as well.  Instead of the student reading, the teacher can read to the student and still use the method effectively.  
Read Music Notes With Ease also is a great book to teach yourself how to read music.  As I said before, it helps make the important stuff stick, while allowing you to have fun reading and understanding the funny characters Wagner creates.
Read Music Notes With Ease also comes with some sound clips to help you imagine Wagner’s characters.  Wagner also includes some flashcards to help out us ‘old school’ learners with memorization and put your comprehension skills to the test.  
If you want to learn how to read music and those other method books don’t help you or seem too old fashioned, Read Music Notes With Ease could very well be the way for you.